It’s Never Too Late to Get the Smile You Deserve

Braces For Older Adults, It's Never Too Late to Get the Smile You Deserve, Dr. Steve Wood, Weatherford, TX, Orthodontics

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Welcome to Wood Orthodontics, where everyone deserves a beautiful smile regardless of age! It’s never too late to start improving your oral health. This is especially true regarding orthodontics and braces for older adults.

For many years, adults believed that orthodontic treatment was only valid for children and teenagers. However, we’re here to tell you this couldn’t be further from the truth. In this blog, we’ll explore braces for older adults so you can make an informed decision about your oral health.

Braces for older adults are becoming increasingly popular. This is because many adults have started to realize the importance of straight teeth and their impact on their overall health. Adults often get braces for various reasons, including fixing crooked teeth, improving their bite, and even preventing jaw pain. Regardless of the reason, braces can drastically improve the look and feel of your mouth.

We offer various orthodontic treatments for adults, including traditional metal braces, ceramic braces, and Invisalign. Each of these treatment options has advantages, and we can customize them to each patient’s individual needs. 

Traditional metal braces are the most common type for older adults due to their effectiveness in correcting bites and aligning teeth. However, Invisalign is another popular option for those seeking more discreet treatment.

One of the benefits of getting braces as an adult is that your jaw has stopped growing, and therefore, orthodontic treatment can be more efficient. This means that treatment can take less time than it would in a teenager, meaning that you can achieve a healthy smile much faster. In addition, braces may be more affordable than you think, especially if you have insurance coverage.

We’ll walk you through the process when you come to us for braces. We’ll discuss your goals and what’s suitable for your unique situation. Our experienced professionals will work with you every step of the way so you feel comfortable throughout the process. Whether you’re getting traditional metal braces or Invisalign, we’ll ensure you’re informed and confident about your treatment.

Treatments at Wood Orthodontics

Adults can achieve a perfect smile and improved oral health with adjustable, reliable, and affordable orthodontic treatments in Weatherford, TX.

Traditional Braces

Traditional braces have been a trusted method of correcting misaligned teeth for decades. These little metal brackets affixed to your teeth use gentle pressure to shift your teeth into their proper position. While some may hesitate to consider traditional braces due to their reputation for being uncomfortable and unsightly, modern technology has dramatically improved the patient experience. 

With advancements such as smaller brackets and clear ceramic options, they are more discreet than ever. So, if you’re looking to achieve a straighter smile, take notice of the tried and true method of traditional braces.

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces have become a popular choice for those seeking orthodontic treatment that’s both effective and discreet. Unlike traditional metal braces, ceramic braces use tooth-colored brackets and wires that blend in with your teeth, making them less noticeable. This option particularly appeals to individuals self-conscious about their appearance or work in professional settings where a metal appearance in the mouth may detract from their credibility. 

Though ceramic braces require a bit more maintenance than their metal counterparts, the result of a beautifully straight smile makes it well worth it. Ceramic braces may be the way to go if you’re looking for an inconspicuous solution to straightening your teeth.

Clear Aligners

We are revolutionizing the way we approach teeth alignment with clear aligners. No more bulky metal braces that make you self-conscious about your smile; clear aligners are virtually invisible and comfortable to wear.

Not only will our clear aligners transform how you look, but they will also transform how you feel about your oral health. You’ll be on your way to a straighter, more beautiful smile in no time.

Braces For Older Adults

At Wood Orthodontics in Weatherford, Texas, it’s always possible to start making positive changes for oral health. Braces for adults can significantly improve the look and function of your teeth and jaw. Whether you’re struggling with pain or want a beautiful smile, we can help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Steve Wood and start your journey to a happier, healthier smile! In addition to orthodontic treatment, we offer TMD Therapy and more.