It’s Never Too Late to Get Straight Teeth

Orthodontics for Seniors It's Never Too Late to Get Straight Teeth Early Orthodontic Treatment Weatherford Early Orthodontic Treatment for a Healthy Smile Phase 1 Orthodontic Treatment Weatherford Orthodontics Orthodontist in Weatherford TX Wood orthodontics dentist in Weatherford TX Dr. Steve Wood

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When you think of braces, you likely imagine a teenager with a mouthful of metal. However, orthodontic treatment is not just for teens. More and more adults, including seniors, are seeking orthodontic care to improve their smiles. Wood Orthodontics proudly serves patients of all ages, including those in their golden years. That’s why we specialize in orthodontics for seniors in Weatherford, Texas. 

Dr. Steve Wood of Wood Orthodontics! Dr. Wood is a highly respected and experienced orthodontist passionate about helping patients achieve their dream smile. We provide high-quality orthodontic services – everything from surgical orthodontics to clear aligners in Weatherford, Texas. Dr. Wood has the expertise and knowledge to give you the desired results. So why wait? Contact us to schedule a consultation today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier smile! Please keep reading to learn why getting straight teeth is never too late.

Orthodontic Treatment Can Improve Your Oral Health

Orthodontic treatment isn’t just about achieving a beautiful smile. It can also improve your oral health. Straight teeth are easier to clean, which can reduce the risk of gum disease and tooth decay. Additionally, correcting bite issues can alleviate jaw pain and reduce wear and tear on your teeth.

Age is Just a Number

Don’t let your age stop you from seeking orthodontic treatment. While it’s true that bone density decreases with age, making tooth movement more difficult, modern orthodontic technology has made it possible to treat patients of all ages. Our team at Wood Orthodontics will thoroughly evaluate your case to determine if you are a candidate for treatment.

Shorter Treatment Time

In the past, orthodontic treatment could take several years to complete. However, technological advancements have made it possible to complete treatment in a shorter time. 

Improved Self-Confidence

Finally, orthodontic treatment can improve your self-confidence. Many seniors with misaligned teeth are self-conscious about their smiles, which can affect their social life and overall well-being. Orthodontic treatment can help seniors feel proud of their smile, enhancing their quality of life.

Options for Senior Patients

Many adult patients hesitate to pursue orthodontic treatment because they don’t want to wear metal braces. However, many discreet options are available, including clear aligners. These options are popular among seniors who want to maintain a professional appearance.

Clear aligners are the newest and most innovative alternative to traditional metal braces. They are made of transparent plastic and are custom-fitted to your teeth to shift them into their desired position. Unlike metal braces that require monthly adjustments and can be uncomfortable and noticeable, clear aligners are barely noticeable, comfortable, and removable. 

Clear aligners are the perfect solution for individuals who want a discreet and convenient way to straighten their teeth without sacrificing confidence. Plus, with clear aligners, you can enjoy your favorite foods and maintain good oral hygiene by simply removing them during meals and brushing. No wonder they have become the go-to option for people worldwide looking to achieve their dream smile.

The process is simple. First, you’ll need to schedule a consultation with Dr. Wood to determine if clear aligners are the right option. The next step is to have digital impressions taken of your teeth, which we will use to create customized aligners tailored to your specific needs. You’ll receive a series of aligners to wear for several months, switching them out as your teeth gradually shift into the desired position. Regular check-ins with our team will ensure that your treatment is progressing as it should. With a little patience and commitment, clear aligners can give you the beautiful, straight smile you’ve always wanted.

Orthodontics for Seniors

In short, orthodontic treatment benefits seniors who want to improve their oral health, appearance, and self-confidence. At Wood Orthodontics, we are committed to helping patients of all ages achieve their best smile. If you want to learn more about orthodontic treatment options, schedule a consultation with us today. It’s never too late to get straight teeth!