How to Handle Common Orthodontic Emergencies

Orthodontic Emergencies

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If you’re an orthodontic patient, you know how important it is to keep up with regular appointments and follow your orthodontist’s instructions. But, sometimes, orthodontic emergencies do happen. Whether a wire poking your cheek or a bracket coming loose, these issues can be uncomfortable and even painful. Don’t suffer in pain. If you have an orthodontic emergency, call and schedule an appointment with the top orthodontist in Weatherford, Dr. Steve Wood!

What is an Orthodontic Emergency?

An orthodontic emergency is a dental issue that requires urgent attention from an orthodontist. Common orthodontic emergencies include:

  • Pain or discomfort due to broken or loose braces or wires.
  • A lost or broken retainer.
  • Infection of the gums or mouth.
  • A tooth is coming out of alignment due to a broken bracket or wire.

If you are experiencing any of these issues, you must contact an orthodontist as soon as possible to receive the appropriate treatment.

Fortunately, Dr. Steve Wood is dedicated to providing quick and efficient emergency orthodontic care at Wood Orthodontics in Weatherford, TX. He and his team understand that you need to be seen as soon as possible when an orthodontic emergency arises. So, if you have an orthodontic emergency, Dr. Wood and his staff are here for you.

When to Seek Orthodontic Emergency Care

When orthodontic issues arise, it is vital to seek emergency orthodontic care to avoid further damage or injury. If you experience severe pain or swelling in your mouth and any difficulty breathing or eating, you should seek emergency orthodontic care as soon as possible.

What to Do in an Orthodontic Emergency

Depending on the severity of the issue, Dr. Wood can provide professional advice on handling the situation. If the problem is serious, the patient may need to be seen by Dr. Wood as soon as possible. So the first thing you should do is call Wood Orthodontics for an emergency orthodontic appointment. The staff will assess the situation, answer any questions, and advise on the next steps. If the problem is minor, you can temporarily relieve the discomfort using ice packs, pain relievers, or orthodontic wax until you are seen.

Common Orthodontic Emergencies

So, what common orthodontic emergencies is Dr. Wood prepared to handle? Here’s a look at some of the most common types of orthodontic emergencies and how to handle them:

Loose Brackets: If your orthodontic bracket becomes loose, try to push it back into place.  Leave it alone until you can be seen. Call Dr. Wood for an emergency appointment. If it comes off of the wire, put it in a plastic bag and bring it to your appointment.  Most often, the colored o-ring will keep it on the wire.

Loose Bands: If a metal band becomes loose, call Dr. Wood for an emergency appointment. If it comes off of the tooth, put it in a plastic bag and bring it to  your appointment.

Wire Poking:

  1. If a wire is poking your cheek or other soft tissues in your mouth, try to push it into place with a cotton swab or pencil eraser.
  2. Use wax to cover the end of the wire or to hold it against the back band.
  3. Call Dr. Wood for an emergency appointment. 

Broken Appliances: If an appliance is damaged, loose,or broken, call Dr. Wood for an emergency appointment.  If it is rubbing your cheek, wax may help until you are seen.

Lost Spacers or Retainers: If you have a spacer or retainer that has become lost, call us. 

Emergency Orthodontist in Weatherford

At Wood Orthodontics in Weatherford, TX, Dr. Steve Wood and his team understand that you must be seen as soon as possible when an orthodontic emergency arises. We are committed to providing quick and efficient emergency orthodontic care. So, if you are experiencing an orthodontic emergency, don’t hesitate to call Dr. Wood and his team for help. They will be more than happy to assist you.

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