How to Handle Common Orthodontic Emergencies

Orthodontic Emergencies

If you’re an orthodontic patient, you know how important it is to keep up with regular appointments and follow your orthodontist’s instructions. But, sometimes, orthodontic emergencies do happen. Whether a wire poking your cheek or a bracket coming loose, these issues can be uncomfortable and even painful. Don’t suffer in pain. If you have an orthodontic emergency, call and schedule an appointment with the top orthodontist in Weatherford, Dr. Steve Wood! What is an Orthodontic Emergency? An orthodontic emergency is a dental issue that requires urgent attention from an orthodontist. Common orthodontic emergencies include: If you are experiencing any of these issues, you must contact an orthodontist as soon as possible to receive the appropriate treatment. Fortunately, Dr. Steve Wood is dedicated to providing quick and efficient emergency orthodontic care at Wood Orthodontics in Weatherford, TX. He and his team understand that you need to be seen as soon as possible when an orthodontic emergency arises. So, if you have an orthodontic emergency, Dr. Wood and his staff are here for you. When to Seek Orthodontic Emergency Care When orthodontic issues arise, it is vital to seek emergency orthodontic care to avoid further damage or injury. If you experience severe pain or swelling in your mouth and any difficulty breathing or eating, you should seek emergency orthodontic care as soon as possible. What to Do in an Orthodontic Emergency Depending on the severity of the issue, Dr. Wood can provide professional advice on handling the situation. If the problem is serious, the patient may need to be seen by Dr. Wood as soon as possible. So the first thing you should do is call Wood Orthodontics for an emergency orthodontic appointment. The staff will assess the situation, answer any questions, and advise on the next steps. If the problem is minor, you can temporarily relieve the discomfort using ice packs, pain relievers, or orthodontic wax until you are seen. Common Orthodontic Emergencies So, what common orthodontic emergencies is Dr. Wood prepared to handle? Here’s a look at some of the most common types of orthodontic emergencies and how to handle them: Loose Brackets: If your orthodontic bracket becomes loose, try to push it back into place.  Leave it alone until you can be seen. Call Dr. Wood for an emergency appointment. If it comes off of the wire, put it in a plastic bag and bring it to your appointment.  Most often, the colored o-ring will keep it on the wire. Loose Bands: If a metal band becomes loose, call Dr. Wood for an emergency appointment. If it comes off of the tooth, put it in a plastic bag and bring it to  your appointment. Wire Poking: Broken Appliances: If an appliance is damaged, loose,or broken, call Dr. Wood for an emergency appointment.  If it is rubbing your cheek, wax may help until you are seen. Lost Spacers or Retainers: If you have a spacer or retainer that has become lost, call us.  Emergency Orthodontist in Weatherford At Wood Orthodontics in Weatherford, TX, Dr. Steve Wood and his team understand that you must be seen as soon as possible when an orthodontic emergency arises. We are committed to providing quick and efficient emergency orthodontic care. So, if you are experiencing an orthodontic emergency, don’t hesitate to call Dr. Wood and his team for help. They will be more than happy to assist you.

Local Weatherford Orthodontist

Weatherford locals, are you looking for a qualified orthodontist? Local Weatherford Orthodontist is your answer! We offer many helpful options to straighten teeth in Weatherford, including traditional braces, clear aligners, and more. We want to help you get the beautiful smile that will make you feel confident. Let us help you achieve that goal with our variety of orthodontic services. Our team is here to support you through every step of the process. We are your Local Weatherford Orthodontist!   What is an Orthodontist, and What Do They Do? When people think of orthodontists, they often picture metal braces and bright smiles. But what exactly is an orthodontist? Orthodontists are dental specialists who focus on the alignment of teeth and jaws. Orthodontists play an essential role in helping people achieve straight, healthy teeth and beautiful smiles, and use various treatments, including braces, to correct bite problems and improve the overall appearance of their patient’s smiles. To become an orthodontist, one must complete four years of dental school and then two to three years of specialized training in orthodontics. Dr. Steve Wood completed his certificate in orthodontics after receiving his Dental Surgery degree from the Medical College of Virginia. People of all ages can benefit from orthodontic treatment, but we commonly use it to correct teeth alignment in children and teenagers. Early treatment can sometimes prevent more severe problems from developing later on. For example, if you don’t correct an overbite during childhood, it may become more pronounced as the bones and muscles of the face continue to grow. In some cases, early treatment can also make the overall process of straightening teeth quicker and simpler. As soon as you notice something different about your child’s teeth, it is best to schedule an appointment with an orthodontist. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children have an orthodontic evaluation by age seven. By this age, most children have a mix of baby and permanent teeth, making it easier for the orthodontist to assess potential problems. You may be able to wait until your child is seven years old if you see that the permanent teeth are growing straight. However, it is best to seek treatment sooner if there are any problems, such as crowding or gaps. If you wait too long to seek treatment, your child’s orthodontic needs may be more complex and require more extensive treatment. As a result, it is always best to err on the side of caution and schedule an evaluation as soon as you notice any changes in your child’s teeth. However, not everyone who needs orthodontic treatment will require braces. Sometimes, we can use simple devices known as spacers to create minor adjustments in tooth alignment. You should decide whether or not to pursue orthodontic treatment in consultation with our qualified orthodontic team at Wood Orthodontics.   What Are the Different Types of Braces Available? Traditional metal braces are a common type of braces. They are made of high-grade stainless steel and attach to the front of your teeth. Metal braces are smaller and less visible than they used to be. Ceramic braces are made of transparent materials and are bonded to the front of your teeth. They are less visible than metal braces, which many adult and teen patients prefer because of the more discrete nature of their treatment. Clear aligners are virtually invisible when you wear them. It is removable, so you can eat and drink whatever you want during treatment. Ask Dr. Wood which type of braces will work best for you.   How Long Will I Have to Wear Braces? The time you will need to wear braces depends on the severity of your orthodontic problem and your response to treatment. Generally, the longer you wear braces, the straighter your teeth will become. Most people wear braces for one to three years. However, some people may need to wear them for a longer or shorter period. The average treatment time for clear aligners is usually faster than for traditional braces.   Top-Quality Local Weatherford Orthodontist, Texas Our mission is to provide high-quality orthodontic care in a family-based, fun environment. We strive to create beautiful smiles that last a lifetime. Our office is conveniently located in Weatherford, TX. We offer many orthodontic treatment options, including metal braces, ceramic braces, and clear aligners. We also provide various payment options to make treatment affordable for everyone. We believe that everyone deserves a beautiful smile. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. We can’t wait to meet you!

Emergency Orthodontist in Weatherford

orthodontist emergency First Visit Emergency Orthodontist in Weatherford first visit wood orthodontics dentist in weatherford texas

During your child’s orthodontic treatment, they may experience an orthodontic emergency. An orthodontic emergency is when something happens to the traditional metal braces that could severely damage your gums, teeth, or soft tissues. Keep reading to learn more about Wood Orthodontics, an emergency orthodontist in Weatherford, Texas.    When do you Need an Emergency Orthodontist? There are a few times when your child may need to call Wood Orthodontics for an emergency orthodontist appointment. Sometimes your child may experience discomfort after tightening their braces at the orthodontist. A bit of pain is expected. Encourage your child to eat soft foods and rinse with warm saltwater to combat this. Another situation that can be uncomfortable is if there is food stuck between their teeth while wearing braces. The best solution for this is to floss your teeth well. If the pain persists, call Dr. Wood at Wood Orthodontics. Keep reading to learn more about emergency orthodontist procedures in Weatherford, Texas.  Irritation of the Lips or Cheeks Your child may experience irritation on their lips or cheeks from the metal orthodontic pieces in their mouth. Irritation can be caused by eating, talking, or mouth sores. If your child develops continuous mouth sores irritated by the braces, apply Orabase or Ora-Gel to help decrease the irritation. If the brackets and wires irritate their gums and cheeks, place non-medical wax on the area. Ask Dr. Wood and his team for the wax to help you through your orthodontic journey. Additionally, do not worry if the wax gets loose and your child accidentally swallows it — the wax is edible.  Protruding Wire If a piece of the wire comes loose, do not worry. You or your child can push the wire back into place using a Q-tip. Then, place wax on the wire to prevent it from tearing the soft tissues of your child’s gums and cheeks. Next, call Dr. Wood and his team at Wood Orthodontics for an emergency orthodontic appointment in Weatherford, Texas. When you tell us why you are coming into the office, we will prepare for your arrival to be ready to help you and your child when you arrive.  Loose Brackets, Wires, or Bands  Call our office right away if your child experiences a loose bracket, wire, or band. If the flexible appliance is causing your child discomfort, try to place it back into place. If the device is still bothering them, place wax on the instrument to decrease pain. Once you call our office, we will prepare for your emergency orthodontic appointment.    What Happens if I Swallow My Braces? Although this is rare, some patients have swallowed a piece of their braces, such as the bracket or band. If your child has trouble breathing after ingesting a piece of their braces, call 911 immediately for further assistance. If your child is not having difficulty breathing and you could not remove the piece from their mouth, contact Dr. Wood and his team at Wood Orthodontics. We will schedule your child for an emergency orthodontic appointment.    Other Types of Orthodontic Emergencies Call our office if your child is experiencing significant pain that pain medication cannot control with over-the-counter pain medication. We can schedule you for an emergency orthodontic appointment to help diagnose and treat your child’s pain.  Orthodontic treatment is an exciting time in many teenagers’ and young adults’ lives. It is a time when they can achieve the smile of their dreams. If your child has an orthodontic emergency during their treatment, call Dr. Wood at Wood Orthodontics for an emergency orthodontic treatment.

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