
There are varying and conflicting statistics on how likely your child is to need braces or other orthodontic devices to correct their bite during their childhood. One thing we can say with a certain amount of confidence is that something in the region of four in 10 kids will end up getting braces at some stage – and close to 100% of them won’t be happy about the idea.  It’s not inevitable that your child will need braces, but it is worth being aware of the possibility that things will go in that direction, and knowing that certain factors will make it more likely. The sooner you know these things, the better position you’ll be in to make the big decisions when they need to be made – and the more you can do to ensure your kids are ready for those decisions.   Parents looking for a reliable dentist in Weatherford, Texas, will want to know that any dentist can offer and recommend the right course of treatment at the right time. This means finding a dentist that is honest about the need for braces when it becomes inevitable, and takes the time to explain their decision.   When is the best time to get braces? The first truth to be aware of is that there is no perfect age or time in your child’s development to get braces. The right moment will depend upon the needs of your child and the extent of their issues.  However, there are some guidance tips that tend to hold true, and the first of these is that there is little point to getting braces when your child still has most of their first set of teeth. Once most of their adult teeth are growing through, it will be possible to evaluate how the final arrangement will likely look, and whether braces are needed to realign any teeth that have grown in crooked. Additionally, waiting a little longer to get braces will ensure that the ones chosen are the best ones for the job. It is always better to have more information before making a decision.  This tends to put the “best” age for getting braces at approximately 12-13 years old. Waiting any later does begin to increase the risk of the brace being ineffectual or only partly effective. Not to mention that the older your child gets, the less comfortable they will be with getting braces. This does not mean that your child should not see a dentist for advice on orthodontics before that age. Even if the decision is not taken to recommend braces early on, there may be other advice that can be given that will help teeth to grow straighter and more healthily, and to ensure that younger children are versed in the best practice ahead of any landmark decisions. Of course, your child’s opinion will matter in all of this, so it is important to have the right conversations with them. If you need any specific advice on your child’s dental health, then we at Wood Orthodontics are only too happy to help.